8 Free Ways to Advertise your Property Listings and increase visibility.

8 Free Ways to Advertise your Property Listings and increase visibility.

How to Create More Exposure?

You now have listings you need to start advertising to generate leads. Your company will provide you with Advertisement spaces on portals and maybe more. However, if you are not getting enough leads from your company ads, don’t wait. As a Broker, you should consider generating personal leads.

The beginning is the time to build the foundation. Consider setting up your own Marketing channels and strategy. This might take a few days to set up and plan, but it should give you extra exposure and more leads than having just company-provided marketing in the long run. Make a plan and get creative. Here are some options to choose from and a few tips to help you get started:

1) Video Content

Video content could be the game-changer. Especially YouTube because it is the world’s second-most trafficked website after Google yet, not many Dubai Brokers use it. People are constantly on their mobiles and social accounts these days. What if you could put your self right in front of the buyer or investors with answers to their questions. Why the area you specialize in is worth investing in or living in? What is new on the market? What type of property are there in the area? Advantages and Disadvantages, etc.

You could cover so many things and even do live videos during your visit to the site. It doesn’t have to be a perfect professional video. It has to be you, be yourself, and talk to your buyers and tenants through the device. Focus on the information and answer frequently answer questions. And just like that, you will create extra exposure and lead source. Best of all, this same video content can be used for all your social media accounts, your website/blog, and you can send them to your clients to answer their questions.

2) Social Media Platforms

As mentioned in the Generate Listings guide, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn are good platforms to get started with. Any content you post on Instagram gets shared to your Facebook account (if you enable that feature). It’s super simple, and LinkedIn is a must-have for any business professional. Be active posting attractive property photos and videos from your site visits, tell a story. There are so many subjects you could cover just from your daily experience at work. Capture the audience’s attention with beautiful photos/videos, detailed and valuable information about the property, its location, facilities, etc. Use relevant hashtags.

3) Own Website/Blog

Having your own website is great to Brand yourself and generate both, Listings and Leads. It is effortless to set up a Website/Blog with drag and drop site builders. Almost everyone searches for properties online nowadays. People use search phrases to lookup information. If those search phrases match your content, you got a visitor and possibly a lead. So if you are focusing on an area and a niche (property type), you have knowledge worth sharing. Write some quality blog posts with selling and buying guides and share your listings to capture leads. If you need help, ask on our home page, and we will surely recommend you some steps and site builders.

4) Email Marketing

Start working on building your own database of potential clients you meet and know personally from day one. Additionally, if done right, your social media accounts and the website will start generating leads. Now you can use email marketing software for advertising your listings to people you met and those who have registered via the website and gave you consent to contact them. Focus on converting tenants into buyers, and owners could be buying more properties. You never know where the next client comes from. Always offer.

5) For Sale and For Rent Signboards

Signboards are great for advertising properties at the location. For Sale and Rent signboards provide more leads while creating brand awareness and credibility for both the Brokerage and the Broker. When personalized with the broker’s photo, it adds character and becomes memorable, so do consider using them.

6) Free Portals

Brokerage companies provide their brokers with ad spaces in the main Portals, which are paid, but you can also create additional exposure by finding a list of free portals

7) International Portals

Place an ad on as many international Portals as you can, especially if you speak that country’s language, you will do well. There are so many international portals that offer few free ad spaces. Even if it’s one free ad space, it’s good enough. Create an ad targeting owners to offer your services to rent and sell their property in Dubai. Again, so many investors outside Dubai don’t know how to get started and whom to talk to or dont speak English. If you create maximum exposure, you are sure to get results.

8) Brokers

Building a strong and trustful business relation with brokers in your company or the area you focus on is a great way to get more business done. Many deals take place via what we often refer to as A2A (agent to agent). Get to know your competition and turn them into your partners.

We are here to help you with every step of the process, so continue reading. You will find some answers in other New Brokers Training lessons. If you can’t find the answer you are looking for, Ask HERE.

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